Today I am starting a 30 day Social Media Challenge.
My husband, Doug, suggested it to me. I thought, OK, what does that mean and give me the details. I think the thought process he had was simple, try to do something you have not done before and let’s give it a try. I loved how he said “let’s”. Yeah, right, let’s. I know what that means. That means I do the writing and he does the checking to see if I got one done. Well, actually, I can live with that. After a few days to think this all over, I have decided that yes, I am willing to give this a try.
My Social Media Challenge will consist of:
Writing a blog post Monday to Friday for 30 days.
● As of right now, I write and publish two a week.
I will allow myself to take on a few guest writers.
● A challenge in itself, but I can do it.
Publishing a post daily.
So, that’s it. It should be simple and straightforward. As I begin on this journey of writing, I have to admit, I am a little stressed. I am a little worried. I have no idea what I am about to get myself into, but I have taken on lots of challenges, over the years. So here it goes!
It’s funny how it sometimes takes somebody else to get you doing something a little different. I started blogging only last year, and it scared the heck out of me. Doug, and I had thought a lot about launching this website, but in my mind, it was really something that I had no idea how I was going to contribute to. I am not the social media expert that he is. I am not the one who spends endless hours reading business books just to learn the newest, greatest trend. I am the one of the two of us that is still working toward my goal weight. Who was I to start writing about food, exercise, mental health, nutrition, a little tech, and all the topics that I have touched on. But, as it turns out, once I turn my laptop on, put the right music on, try to turn off the rest of the house, words start to tumble out of my finger tips.
What I have learned since I started blogging is that things change. Doug had mentioned about maybe blogging a little, but even though it has been a decade or two or three since I left school, I still remember writing those papers and I don’t remember any ‘A’s’. But then, I thought again. Back then, I was asked to write about I book that I had to read, whether I liked it or not. I was asked to write a story about the subject of someone else choice. Write a play, poem, report, whatever because I had to, not because I wanted to. This time it’s different.
Now, in my 5th decade, I get to do what I want. I don’t have to hold my breath, stomp my feet, have a tantrum, unless I really want to. I am writing what I want to write about. I am writing about my journey to being a grownup, a healthy grown up. If I am writing about a book, it’s because I wanted to read it. I pick subjects that I like. I enjoy the research that I am doing and I am really enjoying the learning.
I am writing as a kind of therapy for myself and hopefully for whoever is reading this. I want this to be a real growth challenge for me. I have managed to challenge myself for the past 4 years in the gym. I have had a tonne of personal growth. I can lift, pull, push more than I ever thought possible. I have healed not only my body from pain but my mind from some truly unhealthy thoughts. I have learned how to eat again. I have a whole new appreciation for athletes in general and I like the new me.
I believe the journey of this challenge will be a great new adventure.
Please send me ideas to keep my mind fresh with your thoughts.
Day 01 done!
Thank you Matthew West, this is the most perfect song for today.