So I'm sitting poolside. It's gorgeous here. It's sunny. It's hot.
There was a wedding last night so there are party goers everywhere. Because the people getting married were young, so are the pool patrons. Well, not everyone.
There are the typical groups here.
- Older men ogling at the young girls.
- Cougars drinking heavily and cackling at all the men.
- People strutting, holding their breathe and tummy's in as they walk by.
- There are a few normal people but then there is a group of people who I can't help but watch.
There is a group of young girls who by most people's standards would be likely ignored. They are girls of color, girls who were probably made fun of at school and girls who should be totally self-conscious. But they are not. I'm not sure if they met here, connected here or just somehow found each other but to me, they are fascinating. By all accounts of normal society they should be so uncomfortable and maybe they are but they are sure not showing it. I would love to know their stories. They are who we should all emulate to be. They are friends who have come together to have a great time. They have had nothing to do with the pretty people. They don't seem to care. They are so comfortable with their friendship. They have come to this spot. This pool. This place. This time to do what everyone else is doing and they are doing it with such confidence that I can't help but to watch them and smile.
Today my admiration for the kindness of people has been restored. The pretty people can have their groups. Their tiny bathing suits. Their loud obnoxious laughter, I would rather be with the real people who are having a great, ‘real’ time. Not superficial. Not fake. Not drunk….well maybe just a little, but an authentic day in the sun. A day of gazing can get you to focus on exactly what you would ordinarily overlook but really need to see.
I wrote this as I said, poolside. Now that I am home I can say that a couple of days after writing this, we got to talk with this group of girls. As it turns out, they have all traveled together and are having the time of their lives. It didn’t matter why they were there, they were, as I suspected, really genuine people who came to this place just like everyone else did. They were looking for sun, sand, fun and friends.
We should all be so lucky. We should all strive to have this kind of friendship. True, authentic, genuine, real friendship. I believe I will call a few of my friends who I have not taken the time to reach out to lately.
If this kind of friendship has not found its way to you, then it's time to go on a friend hunt. There are people out there that are looking for a good friend like you.
A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself.-Jim Morrison