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Can You Afford the Health You Have?

So it seems that a week doesn’t go by that someone that I interact with doesn’t complain about how much things cost.

Anybody and everybody will and does complain about money. Total strangers will share their financial woes, friends will complain on a regular basis and social media is full of pics of how much we work so hard and have so little.

Whatever, get over it.

We all live in the same world with the same ability to change things or not. I am not saying that things are not expensive, I live in one of the most expensive cities in the world, I get the cost and expense of living. But, complaining at every opportunity won't solve anything and it won’t get us any closer to fixing the problem either.

Some people complain for the sake of complaining. That’s their mantra “ I am broke”. Those people will always be broke regardless of their money situation. Some people actually are doing all that they can and it simply is really tough to make ends meet. Usually you don't hear about all of their problems though, they just push through, doing all they can. But some people are just careless with their money. But, I don’t care. Please don’t tell me what to do with my money and I won’t tell you what to do with yours. UNTIL…

Until you truly want some financial advice. But, if that’s true, why are you barking at me? Boy oh boy, I am the last person to be asking financial advice from. Although, I have had my share of financial learning events in my life and hopefully never going to repeat them again. One piece of advise I do have though is this; if you are about to critique me on my financial habits, please be prepared for an actual response. Apparently people in my circle of friends and family seem to have a common opinion on the amount of time I spend in the gym and the perceived costs that go with it.

Here is my response to that:

As I have already said, my money is mine to spend, so don’t judge until you have walked a mile in my shoes. In the past several years, our lives have gone through some very radical changes, in nearly every way possible. One of the things that we actually decided to change was our health. We had been spending a small fortune supporting the drug and medical world. Although our children were healthy teenagers, we were unhealthy adults teaching them very unhealthy habits. Doug and I were both very overweight (Officially Obese) and he was on a lot of medications for a lot of very common ailments among people our age, size, and fitness level. We unfortunately, were average, we ate poorly, rarely exercised, drank too much, worked too much, and were heading down the path of a shorter life span. Once we chose to change our health, people were encouraging, until…

Until our changing outward appearance somehow made them uncomfortable. So, people asked about how much the gym ‘cost’ us. To me, the gym didn’t ‘cost’ us anything, it saved us. The gym saved our lives. We have been consistent in the gym for four years now and have been off of all medications and doctor recommendations for most of that time which has saved us more money than I can think of.

  • We don’t buy the junk food we used to.
  • We aren’t in the pharmacy every month.
  • We don’t need the orthotics anymore.
  • The CPAP won’t get updated.
  • Clothes are actually cheaper in regular sizes.

So next time someone complains about how expensive something is, hold your tongue and think just a bit. There is a large difference between cost and price, but, either you will pay for it one way or another. I would rather spend more money in the produce store than the pharmacy any day.

There are people who have money and people who are rich.-­ Coco Chanel

8 Ways to Banish Breakouts

Even as we age, our skin still has breakouts.

Although I am a long way from my teenage years where I had typical teenage acne, I still get the occasional blemish.

In our house we have tried lots of different remedies; from keeping hands away from face, changing pillowcase each night, to homemade scrubs and masks.

I believe the key is, as this article confirms, clear skin comes from the inside out.

Hopefully these few tips can help.

8 Ways to Banish Breakouts


9 Signs of Progress That Aren’t a Number on the Scale

I have battled with this premise for a long time.

I have even touched on it in a previous post;  The Ugly Truth, the scale is only one form of measure.

We, as a society, have put way too much importance on our weight. Well, we have put way too much importance on appearance anyway, but that’s another whole post. We have used My Fitness Pal for a long time and really enjoyed it's blog on the website.

Please remember that it’s not what you weigh that matters, nobody else can see your scale.

9 Signs of Progress

The Vancouver Wellness Show

We went to the Vancouver Wellness Show. We have never been to this event before although it has been going on for years. First of all, WOW.

This event was at one of Vancouver's very large trade and convention centres.

Although we have been doing a lot of research on eating healthier and just being more aware of what the “healthy” people eat, we hadn’t taken the time to go and actually see one of these shows. It’s kind of funny how we, as a people group, tend to put other people in little boxes that suit us so that we can know how to deal with people. ‘We’ tend to judge ‘those’ people and are usually critical of their lifestyle choices. ‘We’ will give ‘them’ labels and decide how they could change ‘their’ life to best fit into ours. Until…

Until ‘we’ become one of ‘them’, and apparently ‘we’ have. This show proved that to us.

  • First, we didn’t feel out of place at all. We fit right in. Of course some of the people looked exactly the way we expected them to, like hippies right off of the farm, but most people looked ‘normal’.
  • Second, we actually recognized a whole lot of the products that we use, have researched, are interested in, could actually talk about.
  • Third, people were so friendly. The vendors were really friendly and most were just eager to share their merchandise and then there was the best part. The samples were crazy. At the door going in, you each received a canvas shopping bag with some little gifts in and that was a good thing because most of the vendors were giving away samples. Some were little taste samples but a lot gave away actual food samples. We came home with a 1 litre of Hemp Milk, an apple each, several energy bars, some great chocolate bars, and numerous other samples that we have long ago eaten and I can’t remember. There were appointments to be made with all sorts of health professionals and two grocery stores that were selling almost everything.

There was another part of the weekend that we didn’t even touch on and that was the live events. There was a cooking stage with demos all weekend and fitness demos as well as another corner set up for lectures.

I am glad that we stepped out of our own little world and ventured out to be with people that we thought that we wouldn’t fit in with and yet, we did. The overwhelming feeling that I got from the event was that the world is really too small to be comfortable. We need to expand our ideas and our minds and learn about new and different things. Food is a great place to start. Just experimenting with one new food, a new recipe, a new spice may make a big difference in the end. The world is so full of smells and tastes that most of us don’t get the chance to experience, it is worth it just to try.

So, next time you see an ad for an event that sort of interests you, give it a second look. You may find it way more fun than you thought. Worse case, you know not to go next year and you have found another experience to tick off of the ‘never do that again’ list. Best case, you find something new to interest you. A new food, new exercise, new knowledge, new friends, just something new.

The Vancouver Wellness Show


The wellness and prevention market will outgrow the health care market. – Leroy Hood