I love this article because of what it doesn’t say.
It doesn’t say that you have to do everything together. It doesn’t say that you have to be something you are not. It says you just need to be there. I have been talking about accountability and this is it pure and simple. Whether you have a live-in partner, training partner, online partner, the key to this is that you are accountable to someone else who is there to support you and you are there for them. They will help in the good and in the not so good, but they are there. I am so truly blessed that I am not trying this healthy ‘thing’ on my own, Doug and I are doing this hand in hand. I know that I would have given up a long time ago and now I feel like I am accountable to those of you who continue to read and are there for me.
Find a partner of some kind.
Don’t go it alone.
Remember, we are there for you and we will always be support for you.