Whining Season is Over

I sit looking out my office window loving my view. I see trees, sunshine, that is usually a little odd in January in Vancouver, I see a little frost and I know that I live in a great place. I can, if I let myself, get caught up in that view and linger there just long enough to lose my motivation to look away and look at my computer where I should be focussing.

But, it is so easy to stray from what is important that I force myself to hunker down and get to work.

My job isn’t hard, for me. I write. The hard part is to write stuff that I want to write about and to write stuff that other people want to read. At this time of the year, it seems like everyone is obsessed with getting back at the gym, losing weight, stopping smoking, you name the resolution and people are still talking about it. They are not doing much about it anymore, but the idea is still warm in their minds. Mine too.

We are all humans with most of the same character traits. Some of us are easily motivated, some not so much. Some love to be active, again, some, not so much. Some people love to eat, some love to drink, some love to sleep, others prefer to bathe over showering. We are all made up of so many differences and yet we are all still people.

Our similarities is what we need to draw us to a support group that keeps us on track for whatever we love to do or whatever we need support in.

There are endless groups out there and online, there are even more.

When we started Q4fit we had a really simple idea in mind. We wanted to share our journey to better health and in doing so, inspire and help other people to find healthier ways of living. “We meet you where you are and help inspire you to reach your health and fitness goals.” We were really hoping that we would gather a group of likeminded people to gather round and help inspire each other.

The process has been a lot more difficult that I thought it would be. Part of that is that although Doug lives, eats, breathes business, that is not my thing. Although I really enjoy going to conferences to learn, some of it is totally boring to me. That has been tough for me. I just want to do the fun stuff and hope, the boring stuff just happens. Well just like paying bills, it doesn’t just happen.

When the boring stuff becomes tough, other things get in the way of getting the right stuff done.

We have had a very busy, crazy year. We have had lots of great stuff happen, we have a new grandson. Oh my heart!! We have had some really tough stuff happen too. We lost a few family members and a couple of friends. Some of the loss has been death, others has been because our time as friends has just come to an end.

We have seen job changes, moves, illness, accidents and all the natural things in life that we all go through. Through all of that, I had lost my motivation and dedication to writing on a regular basis.

For that, I am truly sorry.

But, the whining season is officially over

and I am back to being motivated to write for me and for you. In the back of my mind I can see and read all of those great inspirational quotes about don’t look back you are not going that way so, let’s move on.

The thing that we all need to keep in mind is that the pursuit to ‘better’ is a journey where you will never reach the end. There won’t ever be a moment where you can say ‘phew, I finally made it!’ As soon as you do that, its over. So, although you may ebb and flow with your dedication, that actually is part of the process. Sometimes it’s a good thing to get lost along the way. You find some really cool things just outside of your path that can’t be found by sticking to the road.

So, I am recommitting to you and to myself to get back on focus. I do have a size goal that I would love to achieve for myself, and that will be something that I am going to focus on for the foreseeable future. But there is so much to learn about achieving better health that this is going to be a great and fun journey.

Please, if you want updates and some insider “goodies” sign up for our newsletter. We are going to be including things there that you will only get with the letter.

Here’s to our year 2019!

Realize that if you have time to whine and complain about something then you have the time to do something about it.- Anthony J. D'Angelo

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