Story time…
Did you hear the one…
So, this chicken walked into a bar…
Knock knock…
Do you remember the time…
So by now you hopefully have a smile starting, your eyes are starting to crinkle at the edges and you feel just a little less stress. Maybe not, but you at least you see where I'm going. Just smile. There is too much stress out there and just small moments of a smile is truly enough to relieve you of some stress. I think it's important to try to be happy. It's too easy to get burdened with stress and feeling overwhelmed. I have talked about laughing before and I had been thinking a lot about again lately and it becomes more abundant every day that we all need to learn to relax and smile.
There was this great little video that I saw where people were all sitting on a train and one person just started to laugh. No reason. Just laugh and the more he laughed the more people around him did too. In very little time the whole train was laughing and there was no reason other than someone started to laugh and the rest just couldn't help themselves.
Wow, that's really powerful!
Remember those times especially as a kid when you would just lose it in laughter and then you tried to tell somebody about what made you laugh? Usually, two things happened.
One, you started to laugh again at the memory and two, it really wasn't that funny to start with but you were already laughing again.
It just goes to show how powerful laughter is. But also how contagious your outside emotions are. If you are in a great mood, other people notice that. On the flip side when you have a little black cloud hanging overhead people notice that too.
Today, a couple of day past the USA election, people are wearing their emotions on their sleeves especially if their candidate lost. Unfortunately, that is how the system works, somebody wins a and somebody loses. But as my last post stated, you do what you can, and move on. If the outcome was still that bad for you then do something about it in a positive way. Plan to get more involved in the process or learn to accept the results. In the end, there is a new president that was democratically elected and it’s time to move forward. Make yourself happy anyway. Celebrate the fact that the systems works, that dictatorship is not in your country and flowers will still bloom, the sun still shines, babies are still adorable, and there will always be videos on YouTube with people falling down and we can still laugh for free.
Try a little experiment today, make yourself smile for just a few seconds, now do it again. How do you feel? Now as you see people, smile at them. Did they smile back? I bet they did. Or they are wondering why you are so happy.
A smile is a facelift that's in everyone's price range! – Tom Wilson